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Other Albums by Attila Fias

These are some samples below of Attila's many albums. He has over 100 to his credit! Please have a listen and if you like the music and would like to purchase the CD or the MP3 version of any of them, just click on the Buy CD or MP3 version link. You will be taken to's music store to place your order.

Piano Lounge

Spend an evening at the piano lounge, where the laid-back sounds of the Attila Fias Quartet create a sophisticated late-night atmosphere.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

I've Got You Under My Skin

Attila Fias pays tribute to the legendary composer Cole Porter with smooth, instrumental renditions of his most-loved songs.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Hollywood Love Songs (Platinum Album)

Let yourself be swept away by this collection of romantic Hollywood hits performed on solo piano.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Billy Joel - A Piano Tribute

A romantic piano balladeer who's not afraid to rock. Billy Joel has been a shining star of popular music for over two decades. In this collection, Attila Fias pays homage to America's favorite "Piano Man" with refreshing solo piano performances of some of Joel's greatest hits.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Moon River

When dusk fades to starlight, timeless piano standards and the natural sounds of the night set a sentimental mood.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Brass Tastic!

Keep your toes tappin' and your fingers snappin' with this Brass*Tastic! collection featuring the spectacular sound of the Avalon Brass.


Download MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Return to Ipanema - Bossa Romance

Experience the romance of Ipanema, Brazil's legendary beach, with these sultry, smooth Bossa Nova and Samba standards.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Tender Lullabies (Gold Album)

Performed in a soothing style, these instrumental lullabies create the ideal bedtime ambience.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Canada - From Sunrise To Sunset

Experience a day in the life of Canada, as original melodies merge with the gentle sounds of native wildlife to showcase the pristine beauty of a vast natural landscape - from sunrise in The Maritimes to sunset on The Pacific.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Reel Classics

Rediscover the joy, wonder, and romance of nostalgic movie favorites. Stylishly performed by Attila Fias, these solo piano renditions of timeless melodies will warm your heart again and again.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Yesterday Once More

The '70s were a time of love, hope and change. Here, Attila Fias pays tribute to this unforgettable decade with solo piano renditions of the songs that take us back to Yesterday Once More.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Timeless melodies and the glorious sounds of nature bring to life the magic and dreams that exist Somewhere Over The Rainbow.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Fusion - Nafshenu, Shlomo Simcha

This album, arranged by Attila Fias and David Kerzner, is a fusion of the soulful Carlebach songs, the heartfelt work of Nafshenu's musicians, and the powerful voice of Shlomo Simcha.


Buy CD or MP3 version (depending on availability) - by clicking on the appropriate box on the Amazon order page

Click on the Link below for more albums by Attila Fias

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  • Instagram - Attila Fias

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